Common Council Caucus

During caucus, the Kingston Common Council meets to discuss any resolutions that will be voted on the following day. Caucus is a good time to ask questions about resolutions before they are passed. You can usually find the agenda for the meeting with a description of the resolutions to be discussed at the meeting on the City of Kingston site.

Last night, Common Council discussed eleven resolutions during. You can read about each here.

The only resolution that led to some discussion was Resolution 8 — the addition of a loading zone by the new hotel on John Street in uptown Kingston.

The new loading zone would accommodate the hotel’s needs by allowing guests to drop off their luggage before a hotel valet parks their cars. The problem with the addition of the loading zone there is that it would do away with some parking spaces — something that is in demand in uptown Kingston. The spaces would have been regained with the shortening of the loading zone on Fair Street by Catskill Art. However, that decision was made under the assumption that Catskill Art did not have much need for that loading zone, but it turns out Catskill Art does have need for the existing loading zone.

In addition to discussing the resolutions to be voted on, Rennie Scott-Childress, Alderman for Ward 3, was re-elected as Majority Leader.

If you would like to find out how the loading zone issue is resolved, you can attend tonight’s Common Council meeting at 7PM in City Hall, or look out for an update from Kingston Citizens, who routinely give updates on how Common Council votes.